
Семинар 21. Теоретические аспекты современных геополитических исследований в применении к Центральной Азии, Афганистану и Ближнему Востоку

19 июня 2019г. в Дискуссионном клубе НННУ «Караван знаний» состоялся семинар независимого аналитика Махмудова Ойбека и приглашенного спикера, профессор Амстердамского университета (Нидерланды) Бабака Резвани на тему: «Теоретические аспекты современных геополитических исследований в применении к Центральной Азии, Афганистану и Ближнему Востоку».

This presentation discusses the geopolitics and economic mutually beneficial relations between Iran, Afghanistan and Central Asia. Geopolitics, unlike most other schools of international relations does not substantially focus only on political factors, but even more on geographic factors, such as location and demography. This presentation tries convincingly to discuss which geographic and demographic factors, in addition to the classical political and economic factors, play important role in the relationship between Iran, Afghanistan and Central Asian countries, and what are mutual benefits in such a relationship for the whole region and for each separate country.

This presentation intends to look and reflect upon certain economic, political as well as geographic and cultural factors which invite better analysis, understanding and attention. It is obvious that the countries of this region share a civilizational cultural history manifested in common languages, religions and traditions. Also there are other manifestations of similar immaterial culture, such as similar cloths and cuisine. Countries of this region have been part of several empires and cultural domains. Central Asian states and Afghanistan are land-locked. Therefore, cooperation with Iran could be a good option for them as Iran can give them access to the free seas via the Ports of Bushehr but more notably Bandar Abbas and the newly renovated port of Chabahar which is directly located at the open seas, i.e. the Indian Ocean. The fact that the gravity of global economy has shifted in the recent time to East, South and Southeast Asia makes the geographic location of this port even more important. There have been several ideas about connecting the Gulf of Oman, or the Persian Gulf to the Caspian Sea. This may remain, or not, just an idea or plan. However, these ports are connected to a network of Iran railways and highways which connect them rather fast to the Central Asian and Afghan ones.

This region is rich in oil, gas and other natural resources. For example, Afghanistan is rich on precious stones. The availability of natural resources makes a regional cooperation internally, as well as globally, more profitable. Yet, there are also security issues. The fact that terrorist and criminal groups operate transnationally, makes a good coordination and cooperation between the regional states an important issue.

Finally, the countries of this region share similar culture and history. Similar languages, religions and traditions are spoken, practiced and observed in these countries. This also makes cooperation in educational affairs an interesting and viable task.